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Wednesday, 25 January 2012

News: Samsung Tab 10.1 Is Being Used In Every Pod Of The London Eye!

London eye - samsung galaxy tab 10.1
The Galaxy Tab is branching out.
Samsung's hugely successful tablet has been installed inside every pod of the London Eye! The tablet will serve as a refreshing replacement to a pamphlet offering viewers an interactive guide to London so users have a better understanding of what they are looking at. There are a total of 6 tablets per pod so no-one will be left feeling disappointed. The tablet also offers a 360 degree panoramic display of the surrounding environment. I just wonder whether glare from the sun might affect your viewing experience, having said that in Britain I suppose it's not really a concern.

I really like this idea and think that investors to attractions like this should employ more tablet devices into the customers visit. I know I would be pleased if I was handed a nice tablet to accompany me wherever I was. What do you think about this? Is it an unnecessary accessory? Are we becoming somewhat obsessive over our tech these days? Let us know with some comments.



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